I do hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas...
I and the family certainly did...
And naturally too much food was on offer but this year i didn`t over indulge...
For those of you who don`t already know things on the home front have taken a turn for the better...
My hubby and I have sorted through some issues and as of Sunday he will be home again...
We know that we still have things to sort through but this time around we are going to be open and honest with each other and naturally deal with the situation straight away instead of stewing and letting things get way out of control...
Life certainly has been wonderful for the two of us this last week...
Taking time out for ourselves for a change ...
Which is something we both should have done some time ago...
You live and learn....
Here we are adults and we still stuff things up...lol..
So now we`re working on a day to day basis and we`re working together...
i`ve had a good heart to heart with the kids and let them know of our intentions and that we want to take time for ourselves once in a while ...
Which means i will want some help from the older two when it comes to hubby and myself wanting to go out on the occasional day or evening when it comes to our youngest...
everyone is willing at this time to do their part so with everyone on board i think we may survive...
Everything is crossed...lol
No not really....
This is what we both want and this was a reality check for the two of us...
The love naturally was still there but neither of us knew it until we were apart...