Sunday, May 3, 2009

A new beginning in South Australia..No more plastic bags

As of tomorrow here in south Australia a new era of no more plastic shopping bags
Yep a total ban which means we have to use recyclable bags...
I`m not sure how i`m going to cope as I am always forgetting to take my bags out from the boot of the car...
In fact so many people do....
The shops will cater for those forgetful ones such as myself with biodegradable bags for a cost of 10 cents per bag or 20 cents for the upgraded paper bag version with handles....
And naturally purchase another, and I say another reusable bag at the going price of $1 because I am always buying them....
I have more than enough to cope with my weekly shopping chore....
So come tomorrow I will presume there will be some irate customers who will kick themselves because no doubtfully they will go do some shopping and where will their bags be...
In the boot of their car of


  1. I wish they would pass that law here in America. I get really tired of all the...pardon me ... *crap* that will be just sitting in landfills for the next zillion years. I'm going to start using the recycle bags, I think.

  2. Mandy,
    This is a good start and you have the foresight to at least leave the bags in the boot of the car....I tend to leave them at home and now have more than enough rag bags to last for ten years.....I will have to just remember to take them to the supermarket with me in future...tie a knot around my finger.....perhaps

  3. hi Mandy, i forget to take mine from the back seat most of the time. i'm getting better. i had to buy one the other day as i had heaps of shopping and couldn't carry it. a good move. Fran

  4. I have a coupe of ones that fold up small and I carry at least one of them in my handbag and in order not to forget the rest of the bags when I do my weekly shop I place my handbag on top of the green bags so I know I will not leave home or the car without them.

    Now I am not saying I have never forgotten them as I am only human.

    I would like to NSW follow SA lead and ban plastic bags as well.

  5. What a good idea and Joanne has the answer to forgetting the bags. Great idea Joanne. Hope you get used to it soon Mandy.

  6. lets hope it takes in NSW too xx

  7. OMG I never remember my bags...I have sooo many...hmmm wonder what they'll do in bait shops? :p they did this ad on the Gruen effect trying to talk up plastic bags...very funny! its great that they are phasing them out...the ones now are just so weak anyway...smashed jar of spaghetti sauce two weeks in a row LOL

  8. Here in Canada, they charge for plastic bags now to get people to move to reuseable bags.. I think its a good move.


  9. SA is always leading the way in Australia's social reforms. Onya SA
